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《English Vocabulary in Use》(工具书)










科普类有《物理世界奇遇记》,《上帝掷骰子吗》《鬼脸物理课》和《The Cartoon Guide to Physics》。这些书籍大多文风幽默,以故事的形式,将整个物理学史娓娓道来,浅读有趣,深读烧脑。学术类有《费恩曼物理学讲义》,《大学物理》(作者:Young and Freedman)等。其中《费恩曼物理学讲义》全书对物理基本概念、定理和定律的讲解不仅生动清晰,通俗易懂,而且特别注重从物理上作出深刻的叙述。更可贵的是,费恩曼教授从未直指他所说的是必定正确的,而是从一开始就告诉你,我们得到的只是近似,所有的待解的都需要你自己去发现,所有的都是未知。而这之后,真是一段长长的旅程,如果你真正在学习物理,读完之后,你必定知道,他并不是借数学在述说物理,而只是借用了数学表达,如同我们需要借助语言,来表达物理的极致美!








《大学物理》(作者:Young and Freedman)

《The Cartoon Guide To Physics》


《The Universe In A Nutshell》







Did you know that reading can improve brain function and enhance connectivity in the brain?


We (the psychology department) recommended a range of books that are based on fundamental principles of both the AS and A2 CIE psychology courses, which can be used to broaden knowledge and understanding of the material studied in class. Exploring the material of the CIE course in further depth, will increase students performance in the exam due to confidence in their subject knowledge which can be applied to a variety of different exam style questions. 

Additionally, psychology is present in ones everyday life and although the CIE psychology course is broad and varied it cannot simply explore the whole of psychology as it is vast. By reading around the subject it not only provides the opportunity to enhance knowledge it also presents the opportunity to find something of interest to you personally. Due to psychology being such a diverse subject, there is something of interest to all individuals. 

We also recommended a range of books for further studies and career development, which can be used to explain the abundance of diverse careers available to those who are thinking of majoring in psychology. We highly recommend engaging in reading about further studies or career development for those who think that they may be interested in majoring in psychology in the future. We often have many inquiries from students who are thinking of this career path (majoring in psychology) but both they and their parents are concerned or unaware of the range of careers they could go onto excel in. By reading this type of material students will educate themselves on the endless life and career opportunities that will present themselves by majoring in a broad and interesting subject like psychology. 

All University studies require students to complete wider reading in order to complete assignments and study for exams and students will be provided with a multitude of obligatory reading lists that will need to be read in order to successfully complete the course and your studies. If wider reading is not completed, students will be solely relying on notes made during lectures, which could result in identical essays to peers being produced. Wider reading can be a daunting skill to master, so by starting now, it provides the opportunity for students to be learning good habits, developing skills and techniques and getting into good practice, which will contribute significantly to a student’s preparation for further studies. 

In order to access the reading material provided, we have a number of these books located in Taihe 206, which students are encouraged to browse and borrow at their own leisure. Books that are not available in hard copy could be purchased through Amazon or alternatively the reading material could be found through subscriptions to journal articles online.

——Eleanor Lightowler


《Freud-The Interpretation of Dreams》

《TheMan Who Mistook his Wife for a Hat》

《Majoring in Psychology-Achieving your educational and career goals》

《Abnormal psychology》

《Predictably Irratiional:The Hidden Forces that Shape Our Decisions》

《Phantoms in the Brain》

《The Social Animal》

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When studying any humanity subject, it is vitally important to read beyond the subject in order to not only improve your subject specific understanding, but also to improve key skills in literacy. The books we have chosen allow students to improve their Geography skills and understanding, as well as providing useful case study information that can be included in essays. Geography is not about studying units in isolation; it is about being able to synoptically link ideas and concepts from Human and Physical Geography. Wider reading enables students to broaden their contextual understanding of the subject and understand their own sense of place.


Geography matters now more than ever because of global crises that range from migration to climate change to pandemics.  Students should keep up to date with daily news events, in newspapers, and online news sites such as The Guardian.  It not only exposes us to various ecology issues and environmental concerns, but helps us  think about ways in which we can make our own personal steps towards sustainability. 

 All too often the full picture of this change is obstructed by dense data sets and particular catastrophes.  Therefore, we also have a range of books available based on this such as “Adventures in the Anthropocene” by Gaia Vince.  In this book Vince explores the lives of ordinary people who are solving severe crises in ingenious, and effective ways. These wonderful stories, combined with the new science that underpins Gaia's expertise and research, make for a persuasive, illuminating — and strangely hopeful — read on what the Anthropocene means for our future. 

While some of the readings suggested traditionally been used in school English departments, they provide students with the study of places, landscapes, environments, and people, and how they have affected each other over time. For example, The Kite Runner’ by Khaled Hosseini is an excellent book for the physical and socio-political atmosphere of Afghanistan in the 1970’s. The story also touches on the concepts of ethnic discrimination, education, migration and the difficulties of assimilating into society. Students would be introduced the concepts of human rights issues that arise from ethnic rivalries, the history of political influence of Afghanistan, the concept of displaced people and the challenges associated with this. 

Students can access any of the Books mentioned, along with articles and geographical magazines in Taihe room 216.  Alternatively, there is a wide range of online journals and articles on sites such as The Geographical Journal- Wiley Online Library.  Many of these are free to browse or may require an online subscription.

——Breda Woods


《Sustainable Energy- Without the Hot Air》

《Worth Dying for the Power and Politics of Flags》

《The Map that Changed the World》

《The Revenge of Geography》

《The Grapes of Wrath》

《Pedalling to Hawaii》

《Prisoners of Geography》

《Making Development Geography》

《Adventures in the Anthropocene》







‘Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers’.  -Charles W. Elio-


Reading can be a fun and imaginative time, which opens doors to all kinds of new worlds. In History we are lucky to have such a range of literature that pupils can investigate and develop with. History itself is like a story with lots of unexpected twists and turns. Children who read for enjoyment every day not only perform better, but also develop a broader vocabulary, increased general knowledge and a better understanding of other cultures. All of these aspects are key within history as it is such an English based subject. You should read historical fiction specifically, both for its intrinsic interest and for its insight into cultural climates. The books we have chosen in history help pupils focus on this. Reading historical fiction allows us to be moved by what happened. Even after we know the facts, we continue to search for sense and meaning. The books we have chosen help exercises the imagination through a vicarious experience. They should allow students to use themselves and their own lives as comparisons to the characters that lived long ago and often, far away, to reflect on their own experience. It awakens awareness, perks up perception, sparks conversations. Reading historical fiction can lead a child to ask, ”What’s my voice? What’s my view? Which side should I be on? Is there a right side?“ So really, what we’re trying to do through historical fiction is to help our students realize they are what history is. What they do matters. They had better pay attention and work hard as the knowledge they develop will help their grade but also broaden their minds as well.

——Luke Blakebrough


《Age of Anger-A History of the Present》

《The Kite Runner》

《The Book Thief》









Reading around is important because it puts the content learnt in class into a wider context of real life Science. It helps students to appreciate that there is more to Biology than learning facts and fosters an understanding of the fact that the scientific process is dynamic, and at any time in history is only ever a concensus of expert opinion based on the available evidence at the time.

——Neil Roscoe


《The Red Queen》

《The Selfish Gene》

《Double Helix》

《In The Blood》

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Economics is a challenging discipline, requiring students to have both technical expertise in economic theory and the ability to flexibly apply these theories to the real world. 


Students who focus on learning textbook economic theory often find economics to be a remote discipline, consisting of endless definitions and devious graphs with little meaning outside of the classroom. This could not be further from the truth; you live in a world of economic realities and these realities are inescapable. Understanding how the economy functions and the part you play in it can allow you to live with a greater purpose. Moreover, the way the economy is and the part you play in it can be changed by conscious action and social engagement – if you understand economics you can change the world you inhabit for the better. 

By reading widely outside of their textbooks students can develop a more sophisticated understanding of economic ideas and an improved ability to apply these concepts both inside and outside of the classroom. Moreover, economics intersects with many other disciplines, such as history and geography, and students who read widely can start to appreciate these links. The books recommended below can help students to deepen their engagement with the subject and become more reflective.

——Andrew Smith

给A/AS Level同学的读书建议:

Universities often publish recommended reading and resource lists for students interested in studying a degree programme. You can find these lists under the preliminary reading section of a degree course webpage. For instance:


Students should also read a good quality newspaper or periodical on a regular basis to maintain an up to date knowledge of current economic events. The most respected economics and financial newspapers are The Financial Times and The Wall Street Journal. The Economist is also an excellent publication to deepen students understanding of economics and how theory and reality interact. Further book recommendations can also be found in these publications. 


When students first begin learning economic theory, they often struggle to understand how these theories relate to the real world. Younger students can benefit from reading any books that provide an account of economic life, be it fictional or historical. 



《99%: Mass Impoverishment And How We Can End It》By Mark E Thomas 

《Extreme Economies: Survival, Failure, Future — Lessons from the World’s Limits》by Richard Davies

《A Better Planet: Forty Big Ideas for a Sustainable Future》by Daniel Esty

《Poor Economics: A Radical Rethinking of the Way to Fight Global Poverty》by Abhijit BanerjeeEsther Duflo

《Down and Out in Paris and London》by George Orwell 

《The Grapes of Wrath》by John Steinbeck

《Mr China》by Tim Clissold

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《Oxygen-The Molecule that made the World》

《What Einstein Told His Cook2》

《General Chemistry》



《A Short History Of Chemistry》

《The Joy Of Chemistry》

《The Disappearing Spoon》

《The Golden Book Of Chemistry Experiments》



